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Claudia's Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus claudiae     photos Sid Francis

Claudias Leaf Warbler

Larger warbler with chunky bill and very noticeable orange-yellow lower mandible - also has a unique single wing lift using alternative wings. - well defined markings, especially the head with coronal stripe.that becomes very strong at the nape. This is one of the most commonly seen warblers - can be almost abundant in prime habitat.

Similar species - field identification from Kloss's in overlap areas or on passage very difficult without vocalization, but is usually found in higher forested areas than Kloss's - however, songs are totally different. Other bigger warblers found in same habitat, like greenish, lack the distinctive crown stripe, while large-billed also lacks crown-stripe, the distinctive orange under mandible and has faint, thin wingbars rather than claudia's broad. 

Habitat - a variety of forest type from around 1,500 to 3,000m  - can be very common in native mixed forest at around 2,000m 

Vocalizations - has a song that has a  burst of high pitched notes that sounds like a slow, sweet trill - they can follow phrases that almost sound like slow tempo version marten's or bianchi's standard song phrase. Its not a very distinctive song, with confusing variations, but is loud enough to easily bring attention to a bird - from their the visual identification is more straight forward. Call can sound like sip-piyuu..

Song here     Sid Francis iNaturalist

Call here xeno-canto     Peter Boesman, XC916417. Accessible at