Birds Summer 2021

Pictures taken by client Peter Roland - summer 2021 Wolong              Bird Photos2022  Photos 2023  Photos 2024

Firethroat 800

Firethroat  at Rilong (west side of Balang Pass) - a male Blackthroat briefly turned while we were photographing this bird

Blue fronted Redstart 800

A male Blue-Fronted Redstar - showing the black T in the tail which is also shared by female birds

Buff throated Warbler 800

Buff-throated Warbler - a no-bar species which is easy to confuse with Alpine Leaf Warbler - but a bird of lower altitudes (secondary growth 2000 to 3100m) where as Alpine breeds over tree line in dawrf scrub up and above 4000m

Buff barred Warbler 800

Buff-barred Warbler - that yellowy wing-bar is one identification pointer - its white outer tail feathers and raspy call are clinchers

Chinese Babax 800

Chinese Babax - a laughingthrush of both farmland and less commonly high secondary growth over 3000m

Chinese Rubythroat 800

Chinese Rubythroat - spilt from White-tailed and found on high mountain scrub around the 4000m mark

Common Rosefinch 800

Male Common Rosefinch - a common mid altitude bird, but one that gets far more widespread during winter/passage

Himalayan Griffon 800

Himalayan Griffon

Gould's Sunbird male


Dark-breasted Rosefinch

Red billed Blue Magpie 800

Red-billed Magpie

Fire breasted Flowerpecker 800

Fire-breasted Flowerpecker

Snow pidgeon

 Snow Pidgeon

Long tailed Minivet 800

Long-tailed Minivet

Vinaceous Rosefinch 800

Vinaceous Rosefinch

Rufous breasted Accentor 800

Rufous-breasted Accentor

Slaty backed Flycatcher 800

Slaty-backed Flycatcher

Sichuan Leaf Warbler 800

Sichuan Leaf Warbler