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The six warblers that were foremerly known as seicurcus (the golden spectacle complex) have plumages characterised by their bright greens, yellows and conspicuous eye-rings, a little flashier than the dull greens of most other leaf warblers. Flashiest and easiest to identify is Chestnut-crowned Warbler, that sports a large chestnut patch on its forecrown. However the rest of the group are extremely similar - plumage identification relies on subtle differences, sometimes best seen in photos, like the amount of grey on crowns, very feint wing-bars and even more difficult to locate breaks in the eye-rings. There are differences in amount of white tail feathering - but this is very hard to see unless you have a bird in the hand. The best ID poniter is song - and these are also quite simililar, mostly differing in the amount of trilling. What does help is knowning three of the most cryptc, Alstrom's, Marten's and Bianchi's can breed on the same mountain but at differing altitude zones - Alstrom's being the lowest breeder, while Bianchi's is highest. 

Alstrom's Warbler

Alstroms Warbler 

Bianchi's Warbler

Bianchis Warbler 


Chestnut-crowned Warbler

Chestnut crowned Warbler 2



Grey-crowned Warbler

Grey-crowned Warbler



Marten's Warbler

Martens Warbler



White-spectacled Warbler
