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Eye ringed Parrotbill    Yunnan Nuthatch    Black tailed Crake  


South Sichuan, Xichang Area – another area that is off normal itineraries, but another that has been brought far closer by new motorway infrastructure – now only a 4-hour drive from Longcanggou. Here we leave the seasonal Sichuan Basin and drive to an area where the avifauna is influenced by the region’s subtropical climate, especially its mild winters. Around Xichang  we find the endemics - Yunnan Nuthatch Yunnan Fulvetta, Eye-ringed Parrotbill (recently split from Yunnan Parrotbill, Sinosuthora ricketti ) and species not generally seen further north, like – Crested Finchbill, Hill Blue Flycatcher, Yellow-bellied Fairy Fantail, Rosy Minivet, Bar-throated Minla, White-throated Kingfisher, Grey-headed Swamphen and Open-billed stork – at sites further south we’ve found Black-tailed Crake, Black-breasted Thrush, Pied Bushchat, Indochinese Roller, Blue-tailed Bee-eater, Mountain Tailorbird  and Upland Pipit. The area is also only a 5-hour drive from Lijiang and the Biet’s Laughingthrush site. A good area for a winter trip.